Saturday, February 2
Our first stop when we arrived in Turrialba was the bus
station. We needed to buy our bus
tickets to San José for next weekend.
Then we wandered through Turrialba without feeling the need to rush to
catch the next bus. We started
with a stop at the local shop that makes cookies from Holland. By chance, we ran into one of our neighbors. She was helping the shop owner make the
We then stopped in Don Hugo’s shop. He makes pants and does other clothing repairs. When we arrived, he was fixing this man’s bag.
After the
man left, Eddie and I got a chance to encourage him. He was sharing with us that he is going through a “storm” in
his life right now and that it is just such a difficult time for him and his
family. I will be honest, I
understood very little of what he said, but I think that just being a listening
ear was what he needed.
We moved on to our next activity which was bathing suit shopping… not my favorite thing to do, but I found one that I believe to be suitable. Then we headed to lunch. We found the new restaurant that our friend Kerlin works at. We ordered the best drink ever: Mango Lemonade.
It was a nice quiet date, and we enjoyed the chance to talk and just hang out together. Thanks, Amanda for babysitting!!!
After that, we had to finish running errands. We got our groceries and headed
home. When we arrived, there were
just a few kids hanging out on our front porch. Jaden was sleeping, so they were trying to play
quietly. It didn’t last too
long, so Amanda went with them to the playground.
Eddie taught a guitar lesson and led the weekly youth group
meeting. It was slightly
discouraging because not many kids showed up for youth again this week. Eddie had a great lesson planned with
great activities, and the group was made up of mostly adults and American
students instead of the Tico youth like he had hoped. Just pray that God moves in the heart of the people of this
church. Many are committed to
Sunday morning and not much else.
We are praying that God uses us to reach the community, and right now it
feels like not many people are interested.
Sunday Church Service:
Eddie and Amanda began our worship hour with some awesome worship
music. Then Hector and Eddie
co-preached the sermon. This weeks
topic: Laziness. They touched on
the topics of physical laziness, emotional laziness, and spiritual
laziness. Josué even shared his
testimony about how he went through a period of time where he was very
We took the 4:00 bus to Ryan and Kirsten’s house for our
“Super Bowl Party.” We had a
hodge-podge of snacks like: guacamole, banana bread, soup, and a few other
party foods.
The boys played together and Eddie and Ryan set up the
projector. They played a movie on
the “big screen” until it was time to watch the football game.
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