Monday, March 11, 2013

Another Rainy Day in Turri

Friday, March 8
We woke up and made breakfast bright and early with the plan of going on a hike.  As we prepared and ate breakfast, our mood was dampened by the downpour going on outside.  We decided the hike would not be a good idea today and made a plan to go in to Turrialba to check out the farmer’s market and do a bit of shopping (even if in the rain).

We also found a hostel in Turrialba and got a tour.  It was very nice and it only costs $10 a night... Anyone want to join us?

Eddie stayed home with Jaden, and that meant I was not only the “tour guide” but also the “translator.”  I am so used to relying on Eddie to know his way around and to speak with the locals, but it was good for me to have that chance to get some more practice in.  I really have learned something here!  What a surprise!

After doing some shopping and waiting over an hour for the bus, we made it back to Tuis.  When we got home, we dried off and relaxed a bit before heading to Samia’s restaurant.  I really wanted them to meet our former host family and friends.  After eating (and of course dancing with Jaden), we headed home.

Kathy, Maidena, Alison and I hanging out at Samia's restaurant.

 Carlos (Samia's step-dad goofing around with Eddie.  He was pretending that he was playing a huge guitar and trying to convince Eddie to dress up like a cowboy and sing with the lady who is going to do a concert at "Rancho Monteverde" next week.

Jaden loves Auntie Alison and her head-lamp.
He is going to miss her!

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