Friday, December 14, 2012

Feliz Cumpleaños Samia

Friday, November 30

Jaden and I had a great day together.  We went for a walk (where I learned Jaden doesn’t like to get muddy), took a nap and went to Turrialba with Amanda.  On the way to Turrialba, Jaden and I sat in the front seat.  Jaden couldn’t take his eyes off the bus driver and even began mimicking him as he changed gears.

Eddie came home from his trip, washed his shoes and clothes and then met us in La Suiza for dinner with Rysen and Juan Gabriel.  Over pizza and milkshakes, we looked at pictures and heard all about their trip.  


Saturday, December 1
Feliz Cumpleaños, Samia!  We started the day with a family breakfast, and Samia and Freddy made a trip to Turriabla before she had to go to work in the afternoon.  We all went to eat at the restaurant with Samia for lunch.

When we got home, we got an invitation to join Amanda and Rysen to wish Deidre a Happy Birthday.  We ate cake, drank coquito, and hung out at her house with Zeidy, Gabriela, and Josué until it was time to go to youth group.

Happy Birthday, Deidre!
We headed to CISA, where Eddie and Amanda had band practice with the youth band for a few hours.  We had another fun night at youth and ended the evening with trust falls.

Sunday, December 2
Eddie, Jaden and I headed to church this morning with plans to send Jaden home with Amanda after church.  But… plans change.  Amanda was dealing with a new kind of sickness… parasites.  Since there are two types and one is contagious, we decided not to send Jaden her way.  Instead, we asked Deidre to watch him because we were invited to Turriabla with Freddy and Jimena to watch José Pablo play futbol.

We celebrated with pizza because José Pablo’s team won.  We also needed to stop at the grocery store for a few things on our way home.  Freddy was so tired that he let Eddie drive home.   Before we could go home, we had to pick up Jaden.  Freddy was so tired that as we passed his street, he asked Eddie to stop so he could walk home to take a nap.

We finally picked up Jaden and we all went home exhausted.  We vegged out on the couch and watched “Popeye” until it was time to go to bed.

Monday, December 3
Our regular climb up the mountain was made more exciting this morning because Deidre joined us for our last exercise class!  She helped make my walk more interesting with her great stories told with her great Boston accent.  I love it!

After showers and breakfast, we met for our regular Monday morning meeting.  Hector gave Eddie some interesting news.  His homework for the month of December is to prepare a 3 minute devotional and song everyday in Spanish!!!  (Eddie thought we were all taking turns, but we informed him that he misunderstood)

In Spanish class Rysen and I practiced vocabulary and numbers… they are coming to me more easily, but I still need to practice them.  When your everyday purchases cost 2 million colones, you get used to using big numbers.  In case you are wondering, 2 mil in colones is the same as about $4. 

After school, I got right to work baking a cake for Samia and making coquito for the surprise party later.  This morning, we told her that we were celebrating Deidre’s birthday this evening and that we would not be home for dinner.  She bought it…

When she walked in Gabby’s house and we all shouted “sorpresa!” she was surprised! Once she realized we were all there for her birthday, she shed a few tears of joy and we all enjoyed replaying how we pulled off the surprise… the only glitch was that she was wondering why Hector was not invited to the “pretend” party for Deidre (she ran into him in Turrialba this afternoon).

Gabby and Erica made 4 pizzas and about 50 “tacos.” After consuming enough food to last a month, we sang “Feliz Cumpleaños” and cut the cake. 

The "Entertainment" for the party!

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