Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Adventure Seekers...

Saturday, January 19
After such a busy day yesterday, we were all happy to just stay at home and relax.  We did some cooking, studying, napping, and Internet surfing… Other than that, it was pretty low-key day.

Jaden has visitors everyday...
Today, they gave him a ride on a bike and he loved it!
Amanda and Rysen walked to Gatica’s house to visit two of the new students.  Three new students arrived yesterday and they are all staying for about 3 weeks.  I haven’t met them yet, but I will soon.  Then I can tell you more about them.  One thing I do know is that two of them are from Michigan and they probably already know more Spanish than I do… and one of them is from Switzerland so she already speaks at least two languages.  So much for a confidence booster from the newbies…

Eddie led the youth group tonight.   I love watching my husband do what he loves and now I get to see him do what he loves in Spanish: minister to youth!  There was a pretty good turn out at youth, and he was able to have the kids break up into groups of 3 or 4 and assign each group a Bible passage.  He then instructed each group to summarize their passage in one sentence and to perform a short drama about the passage.  We were studying James 1, and the themes included: humility and perseverance in times of trial.  The dramas were simple, humorous, yet memorable.  They also served to create discussion amongst the youth.  I pray that the kids are walking away with a greater understanding of God and His Word when they walk out of the building each Saturday night!

Sunday, January 20
After church, Kirsten, Ryan and the boys joined us for lunch.  Actually, Kirsten brought us lunch and we were blessed with another afternoon of fun and fellowship with them.  I love that we get along so great with this family, and I am sad that our time together is limited.  Jaden loves having playmates, and they are great kids.  Plus, I get to snuggle Baby Ezra when they visit!

We all took a Sunday afternoon nap, and decided to go for a hike.  We wanted to go exploring, so we packed a light bag of necessities for Jaden and started walking.  Amanda, Eddie, Jaden and I followed the road past Rysen’s house, past Deidre’s house, past Daniel’s house, and on up the mountain.  It was a gorgeous afternoon, and we saw some beautiful views.  We started our hike around 4:00, so we didn’t have much time before it started to get dark and we had to head home.  We hope to do it again one day, maybe in the morning so we have more time!  (PS… We were inspired by Stevenson: Yesterday, he walked up the mountain for an hour and a half and encountered a waterfall and a pool where he went swimming.  We have never found anything like that, so we decided we better get out there and explore if we want to see new things!)

An upward climb.
These are a few of the things we encountered:   
Some random fruit or veggie that we had never
seen before.
A gorgeous view of the town of Tuis.
Cute kids and cute puppies.
Super Jaden!!! 
A bridge and a small stream.
Baby chicks.

...and much more.  We even ran into Daniel as we were walking home.  He was taking his dogs on a walk to let them play in the river.

We spent some time doing our homework and preparing for the week before watching a movie and heading to bed.  Of course: Amanda had some playtime with Jaden.  She bundled him like the little baby he used to be:

Monday, January 21
Three new students joined us for our Monday morning meeting.  As always, Hector spoke in Spanish the whole time.  I was remembering back to our first Monday and I was thinking about how frustrated I was that he was talking in Spanish.  We had just arrived, and obviously I didn’t understand Spanish… why wasn’t he explaining these new things in English?  I realize now, that that is part of the immersion program.  They literally “throw” you in.  I had to start listening right away.  I realized this morning, that after 4 months, I understand every word that was said in our morning meeting.  It made me feel bad for the new girls, but also encouraged me to remember that that is how you learn.

This is the beautiful view out our window today.
Rysen, Deidre and I continued class together with Sonia.  She returned from her vacation and she spent some time just letting us each talk about our past two weeks.  In the end, she said that she feels like we all have changed.  She said Deidre has slowed down when she talks and is a little more careful.  She said that Rysen speaks with a bit more confidence, and she said that I am using a stronger voice and that I self-correct more often when I make mistakes.  I can always count on Sonia for a boost of encouragement!  Thanks, Sonia!  Welcome back!

Tuesday, January 22
Do you know that there are thousands of ways to say the same thing in Spanish?  Well, not thousands, but that is what it feels like.  We learned commands or “ordenes” in class today.  In English, we would say things like: “Sing!” or “Dance!” or “Run!” and they would be commands.  Well, in Spanish, you can’t just take the word “sing” and say it in a commanding voice and have it be a correct command.  You have to change it… and you have to change it into different forms depending on if you are saying “don’t sing” or depending on who you are talking to.  I know, that sounds complicated… that’s cuz it is!!!  There is no English equivalent, so my brain is not wired to think like that!  I am reminded, though, that it will come with practice!  Perseverance is the key!

Sonia gave us the assignment to make signs to hang on the outside of our classroom door.  Some examples are:
No swimming in the toilet! – “No Nada en el servicio!”
Clean up after yourself! – “Recoja su desorden!”
Open your heart to God! – “Abra su corazón a Dios!”
No crying in CISA! – “No llore en CISA.”

Daniel retaliated by making a sign that said, “No hanging signs on the doors!” and hung it above all the rest of our signs.  The humor of Daniel never ceases! 

Zumba class was the best.  There were about 18 people there, and it was the most I have ever seen.  It is exciting, because the faithful attendees are bringing their friends.  I just don’t like to think about the fact that Deidre is leaving in 2 weeks… It is such a sad fact!  I just like to think about the energy in the room as we all danced and exercised and had fun together!

Tuesday Night Bible Study at our house continues!  It makes me think of my Lifepointe Church family…  I miss all of our former-small-group-members!  Tonight, we had a smaller crowd, but the study was beautiful.  Eddie does such a great job of breaking the ice with a little “get-to-know-ya” time at the beginning.  He then presents a discussion question and this week he paired us up with one other person.  Each group answered it in one sentence.  We all shared our responses, and then, we opened God’s Word to Eph. 2:8-10 and read and discussed it.   This format promotes participation from all, and it takes the pressure off of Eddie… he doesn’t have to fill the whole hour with words himself (this is hard in English and even harder in Spanish).   I love the opportunity to hear from the other members in the group, and it was so refreshing to be able to share our thoughts about God and his grace in Spanish!   We have a lot to learn, but I am praising God for how far he has brought us!!!  Please continue to lift us in prayer!

Wednesday, January 23
As always, we spent time in class preparing for culture class this week.  We also continued to practice verbs in “command” form.  It is not my favorite, but I am starting to get it.  We did a few exercises in our book and spent some time writing a “note” with instructions to our families as if we were going away for the weekend.  I try my best; but, man, do I make a lot of mistakes when I write in Spanish.  The perfectionist in me is going crazy!

This is my homework from the weekend: A story in past tense - How Eddie and I met
 Yep, all that blue stuff = mistakes!

After yet another delicious lunch made by Gatica, Amanda and I hung out with Deidre.  Eventually we spent time working on our presentation, and prepared for tomorrows culture class.

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